Heat Pump Maintenance Services Berthoud CO

Heat Pump Installation, Maintenance, and Repair

Heat Pump Installation, Maintenance, and Repair

As the air temperature regulation industry continues to adapt to changing environmental and market needs, many types of new technologies have become available. Heat pumps offer one of the most energy-efficient options for providing indoor comfort, even in the coldest Colorado winters.


A heat pump system uses compression technology in conjunction with a circulating structure of a liquid or gas refrigerant in order to ‘pump’ heat from location to location, rather than creating the heat using electricity.

This process is much more energy efficient and environmentally friendly. At MGI Mechanical Services, we are proud to offer residential and commercial heat pump systems installation, maintenance, and repair.

Get a New Heat Pump!

up to $12,000

in rebates available in your area!

Call us at 970-287-1673

Or Contact Us Below to Learn More

Because heat pump systems represent one of the latest innovations in air regulation systems, the upfront cost is a bit higher than other types of heating systems. However, there are a wide range of benefits when you install a heat pump system, including:

  • Running cost efficiency – Heat pumps cost much less to run than electric or gas systems
  • Increased Safety – Heat pumps are generally safer than systems that use combustion
  • Reliability and Longevity – Heat pump systems are incredibly dependable and have a long lifespan, meaning the return on investment justifies the initial price
  • Less Maintenance – Heat pumps also typically require less maintenance than other types of heating systems

Heat Pumps in Colorado

A Cleaner, More Efficient Option to Heat and Cool Homes

Interested in learning more about the ins and outs of how a heat pump can efficiently heat and cool your home in this dry Colorado climate?

Watch this video to hear the experts go in depth into how the technology works and why these systems are becoming the best option in home heating and cooling comfort.

mgi heating promotion coupon

Interested in a heat pump solution for your home? Contact Us today to learn how to get up to $3,500 in rebates on your brand new energy-efficient heat pump today!

Contact us by calling (970) 601-8147, or fill out the form below and we will be in contact with you in one business day.

Heat Pumps

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